Give a gift that means the world

Gift items to our clients using Amazon Wishlists
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You can directly gift items to mums and babies in Life Houses using Life’s Amazon Wishlists!

Each Life House has its own Amazon Wishlist. Some Houses require basic essentials, others need to replace items that have worn out over many years of service.

Gifting new kitchen equipment will support our cooking skill sessions, which help young mothers learn to cook nutritious and healthy meals for themselves and their baby. Gifting toys, pillows, and blankets will help young mothers and their babies feel at home, safe and secure.

Whatever you gift, it will mean the world for our clients.

Remember to select β€˜[X] House Gift Registry Address’ as the delivery address at checkout!

How your gift helped Melanie

I can’t begin to express how grateful I am to Life for giving me somewhere to safely bring my little boy into the world. Although it has been tough, I could have ended up in a much worse situation.

Living in the Life House has given me confidence to say how I’m feeling, to meet new people, and given me the confidence to push through any problems I am facing, because I know now I am strong enough to face anything. I found a passion for cooking, for design, and made a good friend for me and my baby. This is all because Life gave me somewhere I could be myself and grow as a person and a mother.

I have been given the very sturdy foundations to build the rest of my life. Thank you!

gift items to our clients with Amazon Wishlists

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